
On The Road Again…

A lot has happened!

Wow! It has been a minute since I made a post. My husband has had a couple surgeries, I have had another kiddo and we have added a few more friends to the farm! I’m not gonna lie, life has been crazy, overwhelming but so fruitful and a lot growth has happened over the last…

Pasture Raised Chickens

It’s been awhile since I have posted but we have been so incredibly busy. I am now 20 Weeks pregnant. We are on Summer break, although the learning never stops. Our summer break looks different than others in that, the work doesn’t stop, it’s just not as scheduled out with school and such. We have…

Baby Animals

It has been a crazy past few weeks. We have accumulated some more farm animals and we are loving every bit of it. I will post more in depth about our projects as we go but wanted to share some photos of our new little ones. A few weeks ago we bought a breeding pair…

We got pigs!

I have wanted pigs for quite some time now and a couple weeks ago we finally were able to find some! These are Berkshire Hogs. Linus and Lucy. Lucy is due to have piglets in May so we will be having lots of fun adventures with that. We set up their pen in the back…

The Holidays

Well it has been a whirlwind of a holiday season. Between quail, goats, horses and cows we have had our hands full. The quail are doing fantastic and are laying a ton of eggs everyday. We have some in the incubator that should turn out to be Christmas chicks and be hatching this weekend! The…

Farm update!

It’s been awhile. We have been doing so much and been very busy. Between homeschool, managing property and farming it’s a full day. Gabe and I started a 90-Day challenge where we read the Bible in 90 days from cover to cover. In order to make time for that first we get up at 4am.…

Family time

I wasn’t sure what to call this post but I finally decided on family time. Our little family of 5 loves to be outside. As fall continues and winter approaches, it’s time to get the property ready for the cold. This week we have really started getting some things out away and ready for bad…

“On Wednesday!”

Most anyone that will see the title will think this took place on Wednesday, while in fact, it took place just a couple hours ago…let me explain. Just like any other night, I was on one end of the house cleaning up some things when my oldest, Nicole, comes running in…Hang on, let me pause…

A day in our life

It has been awhile since my last post but we have been jam packed with projects. Some tiring and some fun and enjoyable. A typical day for us goes something like this… Between 5:30AM and 6:30AM (sometimes 7 or so depending on how the night went) I will get up, grab a small snack; often…


Saturday we picked up our new livestock dogs and got them all settled. Yesterday, we drove out to purchase our new herd of Pygmy goats. We had a babysitter but plans changed around a bit so we all decided to go last minute. Since it was Sunday and we are driving during naps, I packed…


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