
Welcome to our Reptile Page. In here you will get to see some fun wildlife up close and learn about our reptiles. We LOVE to share what we know and help those of you who are uncomfortable around reptiles or snakes, have a better understanding of them.

Most of the time when people are afraid of something its from not knowing enough about it. That seems to be true for me, at least. Our goal is to share with you some fun facts about the animals and answer any questions y’all might have to give you a better understanding and appreciation for Gods creation.

Reptile care for us is a family hobby. We are all involved and all love to learn about it. Nicole, my oldest, has a couple snakes of her own and she loves to share about them and teach people.

If reptiles are really not your thing, that’s okay too! That is completely up to y’all. However, this is a safe area to ask and learn and see without getting out of your comfort zone.

The beautiful rattlesnake above is one of our Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes.

We have about 20 snakes right now. Some non-venomous and some venomous. I will post pictures and descriptions for y’all to see soon!